Saturday, July 01, 2006

The English language

While having one of my usual skype sessions with my mate (Tim), we got into the subject of the expressions used in the English language. So I decided to share some of those expressions with you all on the blog.

1- “You know where you can stick it”; why do we always assume that everyone knows where to stick it? Suppose that you don’t know, suppose you are a new guy !! you’ll have absolutely no idea where to stick it.

2-“Undisputed heavy weight champion”; well if its undisputed, what’s all the fighting about ?

3-“The country went to the dogs”; hmmm how? And what will they do with it? I mean where did all the humans go?

4- “It’s the quite ones you gotta watch”; this is my favorite, you know, when there is a story about a serial killer on TV and they bring on one of those annoying neighbors, and the neighbor always seems to come out with the same answer:

Reporter: What was Hannibal like ?

Neighbor: Well, he was always very quite.

Tim & I seemed to agree that this is a very dangerous assumption, because I assure you while you are at Starbucks watching the quite guy in the corner, it will always be the noisy guys who starts the trouble.

5- “Lock them up and through away the key”; I mean come on !! This is really stupid, where are you going to through the key? Right out the front door of prison? HIS friends will find it ! I mean how far can you through a key ? 10-15m tops!! This is the most stupid idea and needs to be completely rethought. :-)

6- “Takes the cake” as in “man, this guy really takes the cake”, :-S where ? where do you take a cake ? to the cinema

7- “The greatest thing since slice bread”; Good god ! so this is it, huh ? a couple of hundred thousand years ! I wonder what ever happened to the pyramids, Suez Canal, the wall of china I mean even a lava lamp to me is greater than slice bread! What’s the deal? You get a knife and a loaf of bread and then slice the thing !! not exactly rocket science .

8- “Never teach a pig to sing, it will get frustrated and only annoy you”; Now why would you do that ? A pig? Well I guess it’s a good thing that we don’t have ‘em here! Or somebody would’ve tried it !

That's it from me, please guys feel free to add ones that I have missed !!


Blogger Um Naief said...

oddly enough, the only few i can think of aren't very nice. the first one is "you don't know your butt from a hole in the ground"... "you're up sh** creek without a paddle"... but gosh now that i'm writing these i wonder if they even go w/ your list.

great list... i'll have to think about this and come back to it. it's bad when the only thing you can think of is something bad, so i'll wait for a while until my mind filters thru all the crap! ;)

8:43 PM

Blogger Munther said...

hehehe :D I like the ones you've posted so far tooner.

10:57 PM


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