Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shortest Millionaire Stint!!!

Hey everyone, am officially back thank god :). Well what can I say, it's been a crazy long week. It's been tiring, fun, crazy and definately painful. Well given that you've been wondering how I ended up with a neck injury, to be honest, am still not quite sure why. It all goes back to the US when I felt slight neck pain one morning. For the next week and a half, the pain was on and off until it fully disappeared for half a week. Saturday morning, woke up as normal, but I could barely move. That's when I knew somethin horribly went wrong. I went to see a chiropractioner but that didn't help that much so I ended up in the emergency room. According to the doctor, I had an extreme case of neck spasm. I had to take two types of pain killers and a total of 11 pills a day. Ya I know, turned to some sort of junkie for a while but what to do. Unfortunately, I had to stay away from the computer for a while. The way I'd like to put it, I felt like a paralyzed penguin for a week, just try to imagine!!! I do think it's just being very active for around a month, nothing more since I don't have any neck injury history.

Anyways to something that relates to the title of the thread. I didn't believe this when I first read it. The story goes as follows: A group of Belgian people, 18 to be specific, collectively bought a lottery ticket. As part of the process, once you buy your ticket, you had to register your ticket number for the draw. Well, the lottery took place and to their surprise, their number was drawn and they were the winners of £15 million. Shouts of joy turned into tears and dismay seconds later once they found out that the girl who was responsible for registering the ticket had entered an incorrect number and thus, all was lost. I can only imagine what happened to this lady later. I'd have to say, this is probably the shortest millionaire stint in the world.

Well, it's good to be back. I have more interesting stuff to share with you in the upcoming days. Regarding me looking like Jermaine Pennant, hehe, I'll let you decide in a few days. Good night for now :).


Blogger Jingo said...

In terms of your uncanny similarities to mr Pennant. You need to style your hair to an afro.

Then you'd be the spitting image!

7:48 PM

Blogger Khalid said...

I can see where you're coming from. From that pic, I can understand why you might think I look like him. I do actually have a pic in an afro, I'll post it sometime and I'll let you guys judge.

1:55 AM

Blogger Munther said...

in relation to the topic, If that happened to me , I would've killed the girl and then chucked myself off the nearest bridge ! :D

on the ongoing Pennant lookalike topic, :D to be honest K, you do look a lot like him ! A future post topic perhaps ! ;)

8:24 AM

Blogger Khalid said...

Lol man, I wonder what losing a billion will do to you, or what you'll do to others ;).

Regarding the looks issue, ya it'll be in a post, it has to hehe.

1:40 AM

Blogger Gaz said...

I think that would be an ok time to hit a girl?

7:44 AM


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