Monday, July 03, 2006

Sectarianism in Bahrain

Reading about the un-modernized incident in our Parliament, I couldn't help but think about the problem which runs below the surface of our (supposedly) close knitted community.

Sectarianism, a word which every sane educated person would quiver just by hearing in his/her present, has sadly become something of the norm here in Bahrain. :(

I am shocked by Mr Mohammed Khalid's comment towards one of his shi'ite brothers in the parliament, but still the reaction taken by the other party involved was unforgivable (I mean throwing a punch ?) :-x

Now do not get me wrong, Mr. Khalid's comments were totally out of order and intolerable, but it did NOT require such an extreme immature measure (which only school kids would refer to).
But we are used to such shenanigans from our parliament anyway. :(

What annoyed me the most was what I have been reading all over the net form Bahrainis which demonstrated their rigid adherence to their respective sects. :-x

I am sick and tired of sectarianism, please lets stop this ! Ask yourselves fellow Bahrainis what's the gain of it all ? Is it about who's right or wrong (religion wise)? Surely NOT; because we are all from the same religion. Is it about rights ? Surely NOT; because we are all in the same boat. So if it's neither, then what is it all about ? Please tell me because I'm lost ! :-x


Blogger Um Naief said...

you're so right about this. i wish the two sects could come together but i wonder if it'll ever happen. there seems to be so much that's been built up over the years. and like you say, each believe in the same God. in the States you have all sorts of different religions and for the most part, they get along. a lot of ppl don't like Catholics cuz they feel like they worship idols, which isn't the case, they just don't understand it. and some ppl believe that their religion is the only religion that will go to heaven. so... you have it there too... but i think because it's such a small island and emotions are so strong here... everything seems so much more extreme. but in saying this, i sometimes feel that things are more extreme here... but i'm a newbe looking in.

8:48 PM

Blogger Um Naief said...

oh yeah... i like your blog. thanks for stopping by mine! i hope you enjoy it.

8:49 PM

Blogger Munther said...

Thanks tooner, I really enjoyed your site and will have it on my daily hit list especially with it being the only American blog with a touch of Bahraini flavor on the web ! ;) And about my topic today, I agree on things being extreme here, I mean I've witnessed sectarianism in Scotland but funnily enough it only showed up in football matches (Celtic vs Rangers) where the players and the fans will have ago at each other and this all ends after the refs whistle. I wish we had this sort of pressure valve here.

10:47 PM

Blogger LiB Team said...

Unfortunately, sectarianism is something that has been infused in the minds of the nation by extremists. It is up to us to unite against such bad extremists and let them know that they are unwanted and not welcomed if they insist on what they are doing. Btw keep the posts coming, great job.

11:21 PM

Blogger Munther said...

Well said lib, it's good to know that sane open minded people still existed on our beloved island !! Thanks for the encouragement.

11:39 PM

Blogger Khalid said...

Nothing new here, same ol same. Unfortunately, some people never learn and if those retards remain to exist, I don't see this problem solved.

Thsee guys should stop watching wrestling and foucs on the job on hand, what a waste of time and money.

7:23 PM


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