Thursday, December 21, 2006

Self-Hypnosis: Magical Power

Here is something different for you, Hypnosis!!!

Hypnosis, synonymous with daydreaming, can be experienced, that is if desired.

Daydreaming is magical and very powerful especially when the mind shifts to what is known as the alpha frequency state of consciousness, or in other words, when you enter fantasy land. Besides being healthy, normal and safe, daydreaming can very much be goal-oriented, where a high intensity can actually lead to the goal being realized. A good example of this is a 16 year old boy from Oregon who daydreamed on a daily basis and translated his visions and fantasies of dragons into several bestselling novels. The nice thing is, it’s all spontaneous.

You can practice it yourself at no cost. Just follow the following steps:

- Choose a comfortable quiet spot where you can practice self-hypnosis for 15-30 minutes a day without any interruption.

- Sit down in a comfy chair with your legs uncrossed and hands on your lap.

- Choose a spot above your eye level and just stare at it. At the same time, relax and keep telling yourself repeatedly that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier and that they’ll be close until it’s time to come out of the hypnotic state.

- While your eyes are close, continuously tell yourself to relax starting with the phrase “Relax Now”. Start at the top and relax all the muscles till you reach the feet. This can also be done in reverse, whatever suits you.

- Think of a very relaxing scene such as lying on a beach or stretching of a very comfortable bed.

- To enter the hypnosis phase, select a cue such as lifting your index finger and when you do this, tell yourself, “I am now in deep hypnosis”.

- Whatever you initially had in mind (goal), visualize this as much as possible with imagery and sensory input. A good example would be to imagine yourself in the future, just like you want to be, a millionaire or billionaire on your own yacht in somewhere lovely like southern France.

- Positively provide yourself with suggestions that you’re being what you aspire to be and doing what you want.

- Only work on one or two suggestions every session.

- Before signaling to yourself it’s time to wake up, tell yourself that you’ll carry out the suggestions earlier made and that you’ll get into a deeper state of hypnosis the next time.

- Remind yourself that you’ll be more active, energetic, rejuvenated and refreshed when you wake up.

- Practice it everyday until you’re very comfortable with it.

That’s all folks. Check it out, you’ll feel fantastic :).

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Blogger Jingo said...

I've tried Qi Gong once (Chinese version of hypnosis. channelling heat round your body). But couldn't do it, I just can't relax!

3:58 PM

Blogger Um Naief said...

i went to a hypnotist once. i listened to his tape for a long time and still have it. i find that i can't get into it if it's a lot of ppl, but if i'm by myself, i can do it. subliminal (sp?) message cassettes are really good too. have you ever tried those?

10:57 AM

Blogger Khalid said...

Jingoistic, when I was in DC, they had this "Relax Yourself" cd in the room and I played it. All I can say is that it's fantastic, definately relaxes you big time and you drift to this other world and everytime I played it, next time I was aware of myself, it was in the morning.

Tooners, I haven't tried hypnosis tapes but I just let myself go to this other place by myself. Whenever am really willing to do it, it really works. Would you recommend any? The relaxation cd that I talked about above is fantastic, you can self-hypnotise yourself with it :.

11:35 PM


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