This rant is dedicated to my cousin and friend Khalid. So why would I have such a rant ? Well as you can all see from the title of this blog, this should be a two person typea thing !! hence the " drivel of 2 Bahrainis" and I SAY 2 !! You see my cousin claims that he is very busy with his Msc course which I am sure he is, but the problem with my beloved cousin is that he likes to moan and exaggerate !! Let me give you an example lets say that Khalid and I went to a restaurant and ordered the same dish which turned out to be awful !!
Munther : Whoa ! man, this is disgusting!
Khalid: Yours is disgusting? MINE is even worst, infact after having one mouth full of this I have contracted every disease known to man!!
Munther: but man we have ordered the same dish. Yours can’t be worst
Khalid: No man !! trust me, mine is so horrible even flies wouldn’t touch this !!
So do you understand where I’m coming from ? Everytime I ask him to do a post, you know, just to spare me 5 minutes (which I am sure he can afford) he moans about how busy he is and how hard his course is !! Funnily enough, he seems to have enough time for liaising in Latino clubs !! SO K !! could you please pull your fingers out and start helping me here ? Its getting lonely and I am running out of drivel !!
And just to prove what I am on about, K is the guy in the middle, enjoying night life, BUSY MY beep !!